EASTER - 2011 |
german version >|
let our hearts be moved with compassion
as the Christ within Jesus did
the world's still burning
Arab revolts
what will be the outcome
at the heart
search for dignity |->
catastrophe |->
homeless young and old
a warning to re-think
the means of power
Gulf of Mexico
oil in deep waters
what will be next
what are we awaiting
Africa's destiny
a continent on the way
to be in peace
to be self-governed
Subway brutals
youngsters who have lost
their inhibition
hate and fear with no control
Arctis melting
Glacier lost by piece |->
250 square kilometer by 200 meter
the ocean |->
to mention a few
still we know
there is No point of No return
humankind | murdered – killed – tortured –
human rights | infringed – neglegted
children – mothers – women and brave men
prisoners of greed and envy
yet every spring to summer – fall and wintertime
Robin-bird reminds us
fearless and near
a drip of blood
the legend tells
from cross and crown:
let our hearts be moved with compassion
as the Christ in Jesus did
(c) Isaak Bandomir | Helmut Preller
Ostern 2011
Hommage to SongBirds
of all Kind
2008-2009 >|
visit 2009-2010 >|
2010-2011 >|
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